Essentials of Our Faith – What Christians Believe (eBook)


Whether you are a new Christian or one looking for truth, you will find this is a compact study touching on many important topics that will leave you feeling informed.

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Recently updated and re-released at the 2023 Global Conference in Jacksonville!

Whether you are a new Christian or one looking for truth, you will find this is a compact study touching on many important topics that will leave you feeling informed.

Originally written by JoAnne Sekosky (1926-2018), who was an avid student of the Word. She came to work for Aglow as a journalist where she wrote many Bible studies used by Aglow groups around the world. Just as there was a need for solid Bible studies in the early days of Aglow, so is there a need now, as the gathering of the world’s greatest harvest is happening. Therefore, we are reintroducing some of the original Aglow Bible studies as Tools for the Harvest. We want you to have the tools that you need to disciple the next generation.

Instructions for eBooks:

  • MAC – Comes with a default eReader app. Just click on the file and it should open in your default reader.
  • PC – PCs do not come with a default eReader, but do not despair! Download one of these apps and the file should open just fine. To open a PDF you have to install Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is the same concept, just with eBooks.
  • Kindle – Below are 2 ways to add eBooks to your Kindle Library.
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