NEW! Global Partnership/A Company Response Envelope – Packs of 20


Comes in packs of 20! This combines the previously separate Global Partnership and A-Company brochures into a single handy tool to use at your local meetings, area retreats, regional gatherings and beyond! A powerful and helpful tool in your hands to present the 2 ways that everyone can use to partner with Aglow to see God’s Glory manifest in the Earth.

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NEW! Global Partnership/A Company Response Envelope! In packs of 20

This combines the previously separate Global Partnership and A Company brochures into a single handy tool to use at your local meetings, area retreats, regional gatherings and beyond! A powerful and helpful tool in your hands to present the 2 ways that everyone can use to partner with Aglow to see God’s Glory manifest in the Earth.

Along with information on both Global Partnership and A Company programs, we’ve conveinently included the form AND envelope for you to tare off and mail back to Aglow HQ in Edmonds, WA for processing.

Add a pack or 2 to your next order to keep on hand for all of your Aglow meetings. Shrink wrapped in packs of 20. No charge, we just ask that you pay shipping.

Additional information

Weight 11.0 oz


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